My Vantage Point

Thejas Krishnan

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Tiny. Terribly Tiny.

How many word does it really take to move a person? 100, 1000, a whole infinity of words?
I still remember reading Ernest Hemingway's shortest story,  'For sale: Baby shoes, never worn'.
I had goosebumps for hours reading those 6 words. The power of literary transience can be truly breathtaking!

And then I found Terribly Tiny Tales. Its was like Christmas in July! Terribly Tiny Tales brings together a diverse pool of fantastic writers to create one tweet-sized story everyday. And some of then are 140 characters of sheer brilliance. And before I knew it was 3 am and I was scrolling down page 65. #addicted

Let me give you some examples.


To an extant , the success of TTT lies in the imagination of reader, not unlike the old-beauty-beholder-scenario. There is no premise. There is no epilogue. Its the readers responsibility to come up with an allegory to which these lines gel in to and that's the cardinal reason why I find this experience simultaneously exhilarating and rejuvenating.

So, being quite a literary fanatic myself, I couldn't stop from trying a hand in this latest literary venture. Now it might not be up-to the proper TTT standards but who really cares. :)


"I was so relieved when you called, officer. My dog has been missing for 2 days now!!"

"We found it on the streets with this old woman."

"Oh! Hi Grandma!"

"Take this extra 50. You might need it on the way."
He smiled.
The train left.
She couldnt afford to pause for a while.
It was a long walk back . Her knees were as broke as her wallet.

"I hate you!" He cried.
"Get out of my sight!" She shouted.
He slipped on the wet floor, Without a thought she ran to hold him.
"Didi!!!" He wept and hugged her tight.

Sitting in the airport he felt light chested. He had packed everything but his heart.
Back home, as he opened his suitcases one by one,he found that each of his friends had 
neatly packed a part of their's for him.

"DUDE, chuck this! We should open a bar!!"
"Yeah mahn!!!! With the best food ever!!!"
"In GOA!!"" "Yeah GOA!!"
Everyone nodded in approval.
Then he went back to his Lagrange equation.
They went back to their microcontrollers.

The broken windshield still had the 'Just Married' sign.
Next to it a piece of blood drenched paper with his vows for her.
'Till death do us apart.'

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Wednesday, April 8, 2015

The Mystical Rumi!

"Do you know what you are?
You are a manuscript oƒ a divine letter.
You are a mirror reflecting a noble face.This universe is not outside of you.
Look inside yourself;everything that you want,
 you are already that.....”

I was never a big fan of poetry and so poets never ineterested me. Yes, I enjoy the play of words and the verbal folderol but it never seemed to completely gratify my literary needs. And then I was introduced to the works of Rumi.

Now for all those who are not aware of this name, let me give you a quick synopsis. Jalāl ad-Dīn Muhammad Rūmī was a 13th century Persian poet, Islamic scholar, theologian, and most importantly a significant Sufi mystic. Regarded as one of the world's premiere persian poet till date, Rumi has written poems in Greek, Arabic and Turkish which have been translated into as many as 30 languages. Recently Rumi was even selected as the United states' Best Selling as well as the most popular poet.

Even though his personal history is as interesting as any fable, what drove me closer to Rumi is the simplicity of his poems. I have always believed that philosophy transcends time and there could be no better example of this than Rumi. Read any of his poems or couplets, the philosphy of this 13th centuary poet still makes as much sense today as it did 800 years ago! So, logically, it should mean that even through all these years of materialistic and ideological metomorphosis, the soul of humankind has not been transmogrified. He is still searching for what what he was 800 years ago. 

“You think of yourselfas a citizen of the universe.
You think you belong to this world of dust and matter.
Out of this dustyou have created a personal image,
and have forgottenabout the essence of your true origin...” 

Rumi is magic. Rumi is mystic. Rumi exemplifies sufism. To see life from such an enlightened peak often makes you happy about the little thing in life. Often a assauging remainder that things are not as bad as they look. 

“Be melting snow,Wash yourself of yourself.
These pains you feel are messengers,Listen to them..."
“Moonlight floods the whole sky from horizon to horizon;
How much it can fill your room depends on its windows.”

But then all I have read are the transalated verses of Rumi, so practically what Coleman Barks thought of Rumi's poems and with poetry its the perspective that matters most. So the true intentions of Rumi's verses will remain shrouded from those who are not truly worthy.

“Don't flounder in the preambles of the past
Wounded with regrets; don't let autumnal
Nostalgia blind you to the sounds and scents
Of the present's Spring; you're a native of
The pellucid moment, make it infinite beyond
The curving snake of passing time and space.
Learn to die in the infinitely elusive moment....”
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Tuesday, December 23, 2014

My List Of Top Movies of this year.(2013-14)

Its that time of the year once again, where I list  the movies that gave me a wonderful experience. But I have to give a full disclaimer as to the fact that I have missed out on some big names here (Haider and Guardians of the Galaxy to name a few), but this is just the list of movies THAT I SAW. So here goes.


For a climax, that made this boring movie worth while:



For the quirkiness and fun:

Two States


For portraying the biopic two overly ambitious race-car drivers:



For hanging around in space alone for 90 minutes, Sandra Bullock deserves this.:



For showing that acting is living a character Mathew McConaughey and Jared Leto in :

Dallas Buyers Club


For the same old story of robbers told in a distinctive way:

Sapthama Shree Thaskara


For the Legend that is Mary Kom

Mary Kom



For being a stark reflection of the new gen malayali youth:

Banglore Days


For showing that you dont need a leading star hero to make a good movie, Kangana Renaut in:



For saying the brave story as it is.

Captain Phillips


For being the best technically and visually brilliant malayalam movie.

Iyobinte Pusthakam


For the story of Solomon Northup that Won the Academy's adulation

12 years, a slave


For the brilliance of Aamir khan, and Raju Hirani's comical take of  one of the country's biggest issues:



For the love story that transcends time.


.....and finally.....


For making everyone reach for their physics books, Christopher Nolan takes away the gold with.


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Sunday, November 30, 2014

The Epic Morality!

Now this is something that I wanted to write for a long time. I even wrote small piece concerning kiss of love controversy. But the "Dark Scene" of morality and social policing needs a more profound analysis. Lets examine the solutions put forth by main advocates of this unscrupulous policing.

The Major oppressors of the development of cultural modernization argued that these hooliganism are against our values and we should learn from our  religious epics on how to conduct a proper life.
The Sangh even suggested that modern Indian women should idolize the heroines of Mahabharata.
Now from the very little that I know about this multi-volumed brobdingnagian epic, I was pretty sure that I'll be able to dig up a few drastic contrasting cases from the internet. But actually, it seems the entire women in this epic are not even close to social boundaries put forth by the current society. That is, if Matsyaganda, Ambika or Satyavati were alive during this era, they would be unconditionally downright ostracized. Now, you might need a little reference here, So lets see a few of the inside stories of Mahabharata(Disclaimer: All the information depicted here is gathered from the internet and is not derived from my own understanding of these religious text In case of factual inconsistencies kindly curse those fraudulent websites Reader discretion advised):

 A Hero is born: 

Without pre-marital and extra-marital sex, which our belovedleaders blame as the main cause of our problems, they would not have had their heroes like Veda Vyasa , and the sons that he bred through adulterous relationships (Dhritarashtra, Pandu and Vidura), and his grandsons (the five Pandavas). Let takefor instance to the story of the birth of Veda Vyasa:

 One day the great sage Parashara, in the course of his pilgrimage, arrived on the shores of the Yamuna river and saw an extraordinarily beautiful woman , and  he was affected by the excruciating desire of making love to her. The woman happened to be Matsyagandha ( meaning ‘smelling of fish’, as she was the adopted daughter of a fisherman family), who used to ferry passengers in her boat across the river.

When Parashara approached her with his desire, she expressed her inability to immediately satisfy him, drawing his attention to the large number of rishis (sages) waiting on both banks of the river for her to carry them across. Parashara immediately created a fog that immersed the area in darkness—so that the rishis could not see what he planned to do[smooth :)]. Although impressed by Par­ashara’s little magic trick, Matsyagandha pleaded: “But I shall lose my virginity if I satisfy your desire. How can I then go back to my home, and live in society?”
Parashara said: “If you satisfy me, I shall give you whatever you pray for...and res­tore your virginity.”
 Matsyagandha prayed: “Please let my body exude a sweet smell.”
 Having been granted that req­uest, she agreed to sleep with Parashara—and in due course, gave birth to a son who came to be known as Krishna Dwaipayana (meaning dark-skinned and born on an isl­and). Vyasa left home to be an ascetic, but reassured his mot­her that he would come back to her whenever she needed him.


Sometime later, his mother (now known as Satyavati, her body “sweet-scented” and her “virginity restored”—thanks to Parashar’s blessings) got married to a king called Shantanu. Through him, she gave birth to two sons—Chitrangad and Vichitravirya. After Shantanu’s death, Chitrangad was killed in a battle, and Vichitravirya ascended the throne.

He married two sisters—Ambika and Ambalika (both daughters of a king). Vichitravirya failed to produce any children, even “after spending seven years with the two queens in continuous vihar (amorous frolic), (following which) he fell victim to tuberculosis in his youth,” and died despite sincere efforts by his friends and doctors.

The problem started now. How were the two childless queens expected to carry on the dynasty? Their mother-in-law Satyavati first requested her stepson Bhishma (her late husband Shantanu’s son by his first marriage) to impregnate the two young widows[I cant believe Aloknath allowed this!!So not sanskari!] When he refused, she summoned her own first son Vyasa (who had promised to help her whenever she needed his help)—who was willing to solve the problem.

But Vyasa, having followed a rather earthy lifestyle in the forests all these years as an ascetic, looked quite hideous and repelling to the two dainty queens. After being persuaded by Satyavati, her eldest daughter-in-law Ambika agreed to welcome Vyasa to her bed. But then seeing his ferocious countenance from close quarters—dark skin, blood-red eyes and matted hair—she closed her eyes in fear. After completing his required role, Vyasa told his mother Satyavati that although a son would be born endowed with superhuman mental and physical powers, he would be born blind—because Ambika had committed the error of closing her eyes during his conception. That was why Ambika gave birth to the blind Dhritarashtra.

 In order to correct the effects of the error, Satyavati sought another grandchild in the family who would be perfect this time. She recalled her son Vyasa again, to impregnate the second daughter-in-law Ambalika But Ambalika again, at one glance at Vyasa’s fearful visage, turned pale—and thus gave birth to Pandu (coloured yellow).

 Disappointed by getting another imperfect (discoloured) grandson, Satyavati summoned her son Vyasa to again impregnate her first daughter-in-law Ambika[Strike 2]. This time, however, Ambika subverted Satyavati’s plans. Refusing to suffer the unwelcome “sight and smells” of the jungle-bred Vyasa, Ambika cheated him by dressing up one of her beautiful slave girls[pretty sure this prostitution and is illegal in all of the countries] in her own ornaments and sending her to him. Unlike the two queens, this woman, who suffered from no scruples, made love to Vyasa with all abandon, and a happy Vyasa blessed her with the words: “You are henceforth free from slavery, and your son will become extraordinarily wise and extremely pious.” Thus was born Vidura, the most perfect and intelligent of all the three brothers . Now that is a good bed-time story.

Birth of the Pandavas

The legacy of pre-marital sex, and the practice of producing children through the extra-marital recourse (of requesting or appointing another male to impregnate the wife or widow), known as ‘kshetraja’, continued even after the birth (through such means) of the ancestors of the dynasty that Mahabharata celebrates. It was only thanks to the custom of ‘kshetraja’ that all the later Pandava heroes were born—Yudhishthira, Bhima, Arjuna and the other two inconspicuous brothers (Nakula and Sahadeva).

 Let us begin with the story of their mother Kunti. The Mahabharata describes how Kunti, the virgin daughter of a king, satisfied the sage Durvasa when he came to their house as a guest, and obtained from him a blessing that allowed her to summon any god who could impregnate her with their power to produce their respective sons. A young and impulsive Kunti, in order to test the veracity of the blessing, summoned the sun god, who immediately appeared and demanded satisfaction of his desire to sleep with her. Through a cunning combination of persuasion, threat and charm, the sun god seduced a reluctant and fearful Kunti, promising to restore her virginity, and then disappeared in the skies. But Kunti found herself left in the lurch, when she gave birth to a son born of the sun god.

Scared of facing social ostracism for her impetuous act, Kunti got rid of her first-born by throwing him into a river. Luckily, a family (belonging to the lower caste of charioteers) picked up the son and brought him up, enabling him to emerge as the powerful warrior Karna.

After having hidden that act of sexual indiscretion, Kunti reappeared on the scene as a princess, ready to choose her husband from among numerous royal candidates, through a custom called swayamvara. She tied the garland of flowers around the neck of Pandu, thus announcing her choice of him as her husband. They led a happy married life, till one day Pandu, during a hunting spree, interrupted the mating of a pair of deer by shooting at them with his arrows. The deer were actually a human couple. The husband, who was the son of a sage, had decided that day to take on the form of a stag and transform his wife into a deer, to savour the delights of animal sexuality perhaps![*Shocking* Isnt it?]

Angered by being stopped mid-way in his adventure, the sage’s son cursed Pandu, predicting that he would die if he ever tried to make love to his wife[Some dysfunction of sorts] . An anguished Pandu requested Kunti to conceive through other means[Cuckold,dont you think?] in response to which she made use of Parashara’s old blessing—and summoned, one by one, the gods Dharma, Vayu and Indra, sleeping with whom she gave birth respectively to Yudhishthira, Bhima and Arjuna.

Requested further by Pandu to help his other wife Madri to conceive, Kunti summoned the twin gods Ashwini Kumars[not to be confused with the former Minister of Law and Justice] , who impregnated Madri which led to the birth of the other two Pandavas—Nakula and Sahadeva.

The above accounts are from the first volume of the Mahabharata.What follows in the next 17 volumes of this fantastic epic is a cornucopia of romantic stories, secret intrigues and surreptitious love affairs (with which the main narrative of battles and wars are interspersed) that unfold a variety of sexual lifestyles and inter-caste/racial liaisons.

Now may be its all because I do not possess the mental prowess to understand the concealed truth behind these material stories.

But Ill say ONE thing for sure. IF the modern women started idolizing these epic heroines, The moral police will have a FULL time job, May be that's the way to fight unemployment!

(Acknowledgements to SUMANTA BANERJEE for his writings.)

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Thursday, November 27, 2014

The Wrist Watch Conundrum

We live in a world of anomalies. As time progress some objects loose their relevance due to advent of superior technology and the older objects quietly recede in to oblivion. Or so happens in most cases. 

Let me turn your attention to the curious case of wrist watches. I first started paying attention to this anomaly after Sir Ken Robinson mentioned this in a ted talk. Is there really a need for a wrist watch in today's socio-technological setup? It may seem like a pretty silly question but just think for a moment. Its a seeming bulky and usually expensive device that perform ONE function. It shows you the time. That's it. Best case, the date also. Two things is its USP. In a generation where people don't mind spending ₹60k just to upgrade their cellphones to get a quarter of an inch more or to get that new function that allows you to check your blood pressure while skydiving -_-, amazingly this wrist ornament never looses its relevance.

 As Mr. Robinson said," ...teenagers do not wear wrist watches, I don’t mean they can’t or they’re not allowed to, they just often choose not to. And the reason is you see, we were brought up in a pre-digital culture, those of us above 25 and so for us, if you want to tell the time you have to wear something. Kids now live in a world which is digitized and the time for them is everywhere so they see no need to do this (wear something – a watch). And you don’t need to do it either, it’s just that you’ve always done it and will carry on doing it. My daughter Kate who is 20 doesn’t wear a watch, she doesn't see the point. She says ‘it’s a single-function device, how lame is that?’… ". Now, you get my point? 

So what is the rationality that holds people to the glory of wrist watches? We have to conclude, it has nothing to do with function. Its more of a tradition. A social status issue. Its a "look I can afford a Rolex" indicator. Lets be frank here, the moment you see a Hublot , Ulysse Nardin or Bertling stamped on a guy's watch you are pretty sure his monthly income has more zeros than your Engineering mathematics answer sheet! He instantaneously becomes the alpha and you start day dreaming about what it would be to be like him, even though you just had seen him for a flash of a second. 

Next we have the fashion statement consumerists. People who are desperately trying to prove they are unique and not like those aam admis. Fastrack has targeted them quite brilliantly, coming out with watches which has sleazy taglines like "Size matters" and "Use Rubber" scribbled across the strap. There was a time when watches stood for suave and sophistication. Not anymore. 

But then again, People usually spend ridiculous money for things which are functionally moribund. The 10B-5H-2K homes that the NRIs built for TWO really old people living back home, astronomically priced Business class and first seats, for sitting five Rows in front and getting better food than normal people, there is no extant to which people wont go to show case their social flamboyance. 

Then there is jewelry. Lakhs and crores of dollars and rupees and pounds are pumped to buy necklaces and rings and bangles. They don't have WiFi Bluetooth or NFC, functionally Useless. But No indian wedding is complete without making the bride look like IRONMAN with gold accessories. Why we don't just support with Manju Warrier and buy low cost diamond chains. Everybody wins.

 And finally there are those people who put gold and diamonds on things that doesn't need gold and diamonds. Cars. Cell phones. Toilet seats. I have a tremendous ordeal with Vertu on this. Usually my rage could be explained as a result of my inherent jealousy, but not this time. Vertu literally takes a phone like Nokia 1100. Puts a little fevicol. Sprinkles a few gem stones and then sells the phone for 2lakhs. And all those people with a lot of money and absolutely no brains buys them (then of course people with a lot of money and very little brains stand in lines for 10 hours and buys apple phones, but that's globally acceptable.) 

 So in order to conclude this jibber-jabber gibberishness,the wrist watch isn't gonna face extinction in the near future. Period.
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